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Parada ng Lechon

June 24  - Balayan Batangas

          The Lechon Parade happens on the 24th of June, the same date as the feast day of San Juan. Throughout the day, several roasted pigs are dressed according to the year’s theme and are passed by the barangays of Balayan. Bystanders can take a piece of the crispy skin and savory meat while the parade is ongoing.


          The parade is unlike any other celebrations in the province. It is a wet occasion as it signifies the baptism of Jesus. Hence, there is clear plastic wrapped around the pig to protect it from the splashes of water. The whole town drinks and feasts on the skewered pork once it’s finished walking around town.


          Besides the showcase of the amusing lechon in the streets, there are various activities leading to the main event. Social organizations in Balayan organize ballroom dances, a battle of local bands, bicycle races, beauty pageants, and sing and dance competitions. There are also beer drinking festivities and magic and acrobatic shows.


According to ( Parada ng Lechon  is the top 1 most visited festival in batangas as of 2018 with a total of 8,000-10,000 number of tourist.

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